

Harness Your Potential with Hypnosis: A Roadmap to Transformation

Hypnosis is the foundation of my integrated healing approach for clients struggling with a variety of challenges. Guided hypnosis offers a gateway to the mind where profound transformations can occur. Hypnosis is merely an altered state of consciousness where the subconscious level of the mind is in a state of heightened suggestibility. By inducing deep relaxation, the brain literally becomes open to suggestion, allowing clients to explore and rework their own self-limiting beliefs, ingrained habits and emotional blockages. Working with imagery, neurolinguistic programming, reframing and a variety of techniques in the hypnotic state, clients are able to overcome challenges, unlock maximum performance potential, and break free from belief systems that no longer serve. Hypnosis, or hypnotherapy as it is sometimes referred to, is used to reinforce therapeutic goals and outcomes and is a powerful and effective complement to psychotherapy and other more traditional modalities of self-improvement work.

Disclaimer: Services rendered by a hypnotist are held out to the public as non-therapeutic motivational and meditative coaching, defined as the use of hypnosis to inculcate positive thinking and the capacity for self-hypnosis. Services rendered are not any form of health care or psychotherapy, and despite research to the contrary, we make no health benefit claims for our services. Our work is supportive and educational, intended to enhance productivity, effectiveness and flourishing.

What to Expect from Hypnosis?

Deep Relaxation: In the safe and nurturing environment of our hypnosis sessions, you will experience a state of deep relaxation. This heightened state of awareness allows your subconscious mind to become more receptive to positive suggestions and therapeutic insights.

Behavioral Rewiring: Hypnosis is a powerful tool for rewiring the neural pathways of the brain and undoing ingrained behaviors and thought patterns. Whether you seek to overcome fears, break habits, or enhance performance, successive sessions can instill positive changes at the subconscious level, empowering you to achieve your goals.

Stress Reduction: Many clients find profound stress relief through hypnosis. As the mind enters a tranquil state, the body follows suit, promoting relaxation and reducing the impact of stress on both your mental and physical well-being.

What Actually Happens in a Hypnosis Session?

 Discovery Session

 The initial session begins with a discovery of your challenges and goals.  During your first hypnosis session, we’ll spend 30-45 minutes just getting to know one another. This will be your opportunity to ask any unanswered questions about the hypnosis process, as well as voice any concerns. I will seek to understand your background, present circumstances, core beliefs related to your challenge as well as emotional and physical responses related to the core issue. We will spend some time uncovering what you hope to gain from your sessions and begin to develop an action plan to help you achieve your goals. 


 With a clear understanding of your goals, we’ll spend some time working to put your brain in to a state of relaxation, accessing its ability for focused attention.  Our work together will be collaborative, but all that’s required of you is willingness, a degree of trust in the process and a good imagination! I will guide you to a state of hyper-suggestibility where the brain waves begin to slow to alpha and theta patterns, allowing for the real work to begin. Once sufficiently in a state of deep relaxation and receptivity, we begin to deepen the hypnotic state while focusing on specific outcomes and intent for the session. 

Hypnotic Suggestions

During hypnosis, I will use a variety of techniques, relying on imagery to explore past and current behaviors and mindsets about your core issue, reframing old and potentially new outcomes, while suggesting a roadmap that allows you to envision and emotionally experience the state of being you wish to embody as your best and future self. This energetic shift is crucial, as it magnetizes the desired outcomes sought.  By creating a coherent state between the emotions of the heart and the subconscious thoughts and beliefs of the mind, we tap into the power of intention and personal resonance, creating a profound energetic shift and deepening of new neural pathways that aid in actualizing your unique goals as a result of the hypnosis work. Clients often report leaving sessions feeling empowered and vindicated, prepared to confidently step in to a new way of being in the world.


Upon completing the core of our work in the hypnotic state, I will guide you slowly and gently out of your deep relaxation. Most clients feel refreshed and invigorated after their deep hypnosis work. We will assess your experience and review any physical sensations or observations about your time in hypnosis. 

Post- Hypnotic Work

We will spend some time debriefing about your session and discussing ‘homework’ which can help reinforce the suggestions offered in the hypnotic state. With each session, I will work to coach you on developing greater techniques and tools for self-help and self-hypnosis so that you can reinforce and strengthen the work we do together in our primary hypnosis sessions. The more effort you put in to effecting change outside of our sessions, the more powerful and noticeable your shifts will be. 

Additional Sessions

It’s important to note that hypnosis is not a replacement for psychotherapy or medical advice. Instead, it acts as a complement to more traditional routes to healing. The pathway to transformation is most effective with several, successive hypnosis sessions, where each session builds upon the last, guiding you towards lasting positive change. 

For this reason, I book clients for three initial hypnosis sessions, including the in-depth discovery session. Sessions are most effective and impactful when completed within a four week period. Some clients find that three sessions are sufficient for them to gain command over their challenge while others decide to complete more sessions for reinforcement, or to extend their work with hypnosis to additional issues they’d like to address.

The holistic approach I provide recognizes the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and soul, and aims to create a synergistic healing experience, fostering overall well-being and personal transformation.

Hypnosis is Proven Effective for:

Weight Loss & Body Dysmorphia

Hypnosis can help defuse feelings of shame and guilt felt by many who are struggling with weight issues. Hypnosis can help reframe your relationship with food while providing greater context and practical tools for tackling food and weight issues. Hypnosis for weight loss is particularly effective when used in tandem with education in functional nutrition and whole health education. 

Self Esteem & Self Empowerment

Hypnosis can help foster a positive self-image, imparting new beliefs that reinforce a strong sense of self-worth and illicit positive self-talk and self-compassion. 

Motivation, Focus & Productivity

Through hypnosis, individuals can enhance focus and productivity by fostering a proactive, unlocking hidden potential, training the brain tune out unwanted distractions and aligning subconscious beliefs with goals.

Building & Breaking Habits

Hypnosis aids in building positive habits and breaking detrimental ones by retraining  the subconscious mind, encouraging development of new neural pathways that foster healthier behavioral patterns.


Hypnosis is effective in addressing various addictions, from smoking to text messaging/social media overuse, by targeting the root causes of obsessive behaviors within the subconscious, suggesting new, healthy actions which promote lasting change.

Stress, Anxiety & Depression

Hypnosis provides relief from chronic and acute stress, anxiety, and depression by instilling coping mechanisms, transforming negative thought patterns, and promoting emotional resilience.

Trauma, Grief & Loss

For trauma, grief, and loss, hypnosis facilitates healing by addressing emotional wounds, providing a safe space for processing, and guiding individuals towards acceptance and resilience.

Health & Wellness 

From managing insomnia to addressing autoimmune conditions, hypnosis supports overall health and wellness by harmonizing the mind-body connection and promoting relaxation.


Hypnosis aids in enhancing relationships by improving communication skills, resolving conflicts, and fostering emotional intelligence for deeper connections.

Sports Performance

Athletes benefit from hypnosis in breaking performance barriers and cultivating a winning mindset, tapping into mental resilience and focus for peak athletic achievements.

Pain Management & Medical Trauma ( Migraines,

Hypnosis is a valuable tool for pain management, aiding individuals from migraines to post-surgical healing by altering pain perception and promoting a positive healing environment.

Phobias & Fears

Addressing everything from agoraphobia to fear of flying, hypnosis helps individuals overcome phobias and fears by rewiring negative associations, promoting calmness, and building resilience.


Reiki Healing

Unlock Healing Energies with Reiki: An Awakening Journey

Reiki healing is a remarkably versatile practice that can be utilized both as a standalone therapy and in conjunction with other modalities, such as hypnosis. At its essence, Reiki is a 2,500-year-old healing technique that facilitates holistic balance within the body, mind, and spirit. It is a non-denominational and non-religious approach that centers on accessing and realigning the body’s energy channels, known as chakras.

This process offers an immediate healing experience, helping to release physical and emotional blockages, thus acting as a perfect complement to Western medicine modalities.

What Happens During a Reiki Session?

Reiki can be performed both in person and at a distance, illustrating the profound nature of energy work. In-person sessions involve the practitioner channeling healing energy directly to the recipient, often through gentle touch or hands hovering above the body. Hands are positioned above or on the primary seven energy channels, or chakras, of the body. The close physical proximity allows for a strong energetic connection, fostering a deep sense of relaxation and balance.

Distance Reiki, on the other hand, operates on the principle that energy is not bound by physical limitations. Through focused intention and attunement, Reiki practitioners can send healing energy across any distance. This practice is just as effective as in-person sessions because it transcends the constraints of time and space. The recipient can experience the healing effects from the comfort of their own location, making distance Reiki a convenient and accessible option for those unable to attend in-person sessions. The energy flows where intention goes, proving that the universal life force of love knows no boundaries, providing healing and support regardless of physical separation.

Crystals can further enhance both in-person and distance Reiki treatments, amplifying the energy and intentions, creating a harmonious and balanced healing experience. This synergistic approach not only complements traditional routes to healing but also empowers clients to catalyze the transformations they seek in their lives.

What to Expect?

Energetic Alignment: As an energy practitioner, I will channel healing energy to align and balance your energy centers, known as chakras. This harmonization creates a profound sense of inner peace, restoring equilibrium to your entire being.

Emotional Release: Reiki has a unique ability to release trapped emotions and stress held within the body. You may experience a gentle emotional release during the session, allowing you to let go of burdens and embrace emotional freedom.

Deep Relaxation: The session unfolds in a serene environment, promoting deep relaxation. This state of tranquility enables your body and mind to enter a profound healing space, fostering a sense of calm and rejuvenation.

Benefits of Reiki:

Enhanced Vitality: Reiki sessions stimulate the body’s natural healing processes, boosting vitality and energy levels. Clients often report a renewed sense of vigor and a heightened ability to navigate life’s challenges.

Emotional Well-Being: Reiki’s gentle touch can ease emotional turmoil, alleviating symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression. Clients often leave with a clearer mind and a lighter heart, ready to embrace life with newfound positivity.

Spiritual Connection: Beyond the physical and emotional benefits, Reiki deepens your spiritual connection. Many clients describe a heightened awareness, a sense of purpose, and a profound connection with their higher self and the universe.

Experience the Miraculous: Reiki sessions are more than a healing practice; they are a sacred space for personal transformation. Allow the healing energies to flow through you, bringing balance, clarity, and a renewed sense of purpose. Embrace the miraculous journey of self-discovery and healing with Reiki, where the path to wellness begins from within.

Whole Health Education

Unlock Holistic Wellness with Whole Health Assessment and Education: A Comprehensive Approach to Mind, Body, and Soul

As an energy healer, certified hypnotist with the National Guild of Hypnotists, and certified Whole Health Educator with the National Whole Health Institute, I empower clients with evidence-based knowledge, guiding them to establish a foundation of vibrant health and wellness that holistically addresses imbalances in mind, body, and spirit. Whole Health assessments and education serve as pivotal components of my transformative work, allowing clients to comprehend and address energy imbalances in their entirety.

What Happens in a Whole Health Assessment?

In a Whole Health assessment, we embark on a journey to uncover the root causes of mind/body imbalances. We delve into the impact of emotional stress on the body, identify signs of systemic silent inflammation, scrutinize brain, digestive, and adrenal function, and assess how nutrition and exercise influence the skeletal, muscular, and cardiac systems. We also explore hidden factors contributing to issues such as obesity, the cultural influences on lifestyle choices, and the unspoken challenges of living with illness. This thorough exploration provides a holistic understanding of the interconnected nature of these factors, offering a comprehensive view of the client’s overall well-being.

What to Expect?

I guide clients through an in-depth survey to uncover lifestyle factors and personal preferences, habits and limitations which are currently impacting the overall state of well being. We work to isolate areas for improvement and new habit formation, developing a lifestyle modification plan that is achievable yet challenging for the client to work towards. We determine the client’s top priorities and set milestones for monitoring improvement during the initial assessment.

Benefits of Whole Health Coaching and Education:

Personalized Treatment Plans: Following the in-depth assessment, a personalized lifestyle modification plan is crafted, outlining practical steps for clients to address physical and material causes of energetic imbalance. The modification plan may include recommendations for blood panel testing, supportive supplements, plant-based medicine, dietary adaptations, exercise protocols, alternative therapies, and self-directed lifestyle changes. Habit formation to support the modification plan can be further supported with hypnosis sessions.

Complement to Traditional Medical Treatment: It’s important to note that this holistic approach is not a replacement for medical advice or treatment but rather serves as a complement to traditional medical care. By integrating Whole Health coaching and education, clients can embrace a more well-rounded and holistic path to renewed vitality, wellness, and energy of the mind, body, and soul.

Empowering Informed Decisions: With recommendations grounded in evidence-based science and research, I collaborate with clients to educate them on the sources of my own training and knowledge. This includes providing reading lists and additional resources for ongoing education. Whole Health coaching and education empowers clients to make informed decisions about their health, fostering a deeper sense of balance and vitality in the body, mind, and soul.

Treatment Philosophy

Energetic Alchemy: Charting the Course to Life-Changing Mastery

Energy is the very essence of life, in ever-changing form. Energy is a constant force which quite literally shapes our reality through its transmutation into our thoughts, words, and actions. We wield incredible power to mold our world through the use and expression of our personal energy in body, mind and soul. By understanding and consciously working with the dynamic force of our personal energy—expressed through thought, feeling, and action—we become architects of our own reality.

In the realm of healing, I offer a holistic approach that delves into the core of energy imbalances and disturbances, those subtle echoes that reverberate as unease, disease, and discord within the body, mind, and soul. Whether addressing acute concerns with singular sessions or crafting comprehensive treatment plans for monumental shifts, my approach is dedicated to unlocking stagnant energies, realigning the physical and ethereal bodies, and rewriting limiting beliefs. Through the symbiosis of tailored hypnotherapy, the nurturing touch of reiki, and the transformative power of whole food-centered nutritional optimization, I guide clients on a multi-dimensional journey of self-renewal. This journey is a profound exploration of physical health, inner strength, and a profound connection with one’s authentic self.

Welcome to a transformative path of healing and self-realization where your personal energy becomes the catalyst for profound shifts. It’s time to embark on this empowering journey, embracing the innate capacity to shape your reality and unlock the full potential of your mind, body, and soul.

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Who Looks Outside, Dreams. Who Looks Inside, Awakes.

-Carl Jung